Longleaf Commitment Grant

The Longleaf Commitment is a grant program for 2020-2021 North Carolina high school graduates who will attend one of our state’s “Great 58” community colleges starting in the Fall 2021 semester AND 2021-2022 North Carolina high school graduates who will attend one of our state’s “Great 58” community colleges starting in the Fall 2022 semester. High school students may be eligible to receive this grant – not a loan – for tuition and fees toward a degree or to attain transfer credit. Full-time eligible students are guaranteed to receive $700 to $2,800 per year, for a total of two years. Less than full-time students may receive a partial award. The Longleaf Commitment Grant Program ends at the conclusion of the 2023 spring semester for 2021 high school graduates. The grant will end after the Spring 2024 semester for 2022 high school graduates.