
myFutureNC Attainment Trends Workbook Available Now

Today we are launching a new tool in partnership with Carolina Demography—the myFutureNC Attainment Trends Workbook—to help you understand trends in educational indicators at the state- and county-level.

This tool draws from state and federal sources to highlight trends in three attainment-relevant areas:

Where available, the data is provided for the most recent five years and group-level data is provided in addition to overall totals.

The Attainment Trends Workbook enhances the existing suite of tools that educators and leaders have to learn how each county in North Carolina is progressing towards the state’s educational attainment goal of 2 Million by 2030, including our:

Use this as a companion piece to the local county profiles, county explorer tool and FAFSA tracker with recent data trends to support conversations and decision-making on local priorities aimed at increasing education levels.