This tool draws from state and federal sources to highlight trends in three attainment-relevant areas:
Academic Readiness, including NC Pre-K participation, College- and Career-Ready in Math and Reading, Advanced Placement and College & Career Promise participation, chronic absenteeism, and high school graduation;
College & Career Access, including ACT performance, FAFSA completion rates, postsecondary intentions, and postsecondary enrollments; and
Labor Market, including employment, wages, and unemployment rates.
Where available, the data is provided for the most recent five years and group-level data is provided in addition to overall totals.
The Attainment Trends Workbook enhances the existing suite of tools that educators and leaders have to learn how each county in North Carolina is progressing towards the state’s educational attainment goal of 2 Million by 2030, including our:
County Attainment Profiles, which highlights specific opportunities for improvement that will ultimately lead to increased attainment. Updated State and County Attainment Profiles will be released and available in 2022.
myFutureNC County Explorer tool, an interactive map to help visualize and compare how each county in North Carolina is progressing towards the state’s educational attainment goal of 2 Million by 2030. The County Explorer tool provides a bird’s eye view of county performance and uses data from the 2020 County Profiles and will follow the same update cycle as the County Profiles for consistency.
NC First in FAFSA tracker, which supports school districts and schools in accessing FAFSA completion data. The tracker provides educators across the state with visualizations that can be used by counselors and other college access professionals to better target their efforts.
Use this as a companion piece to the local county profiles, county explorer tool and FAFSA tracker with recent data trends to support conversations and decision-making on local priorities aimed at increasing education levels.